Land registry services
Servizi Catasto
Land registry services are the set of all procedures necessary to request, integrate and communicated documentation relating to real estate, whether land or buildings.
Ti best manage your request and supporto your construction projects, we have specialized in all practices in which It is necessary to interact with the Land agency (Land registry)
The Land registry Is essential,because It carries out those fiscale functions,which are useful for civil purposes,mapping of the territory and statistical analysis of the real estate world.
We are your technical office,tò help you carry out all the procedures you need and emerge unscathed fron the bureaucratic labyrinth in which you could get lost.

Land registry
– Stacling of newly built and/or expanded properties
– Reconfinements and subdivisions of rustico land and urban areas
– Cultiral variations
– Plan variations
– Research and corrections
– Voltures
– Reconfinements
– Tracking and staking
– Dimensioned plans,level curves and digital terrain model
– Measurements of rustico land and urban areas
Upon request,surveys,floor plans and map extracts are carried out( in compliance with privacy legislation,these documenti can only be requested by the owners or those entitled to them following a specific delegati on with a valid identity document)